Christian Renewal Church (CRC) of Beverly, MA is located at 556 Cabot Street, (on Route 1-A) just off of 128 - and easy to find! We share the facilities with Living Hope Nazarene Church, and our Sunday Service begins at 12pm in the main sanctuary. Join us for praise & worship and in-depth preaching/teaching from God's word. By God's grace, you will be blessed and encouraged.
Weekly Events
Worship Service: 12 pm - Sanctuary
Men's Prayer: 9:00 am, Off-site
All CRC Prayer: 7:00 pm, via Zoom
Women's Prayer: 11:00am, via Phone
In addition to our weekly events and the various opportunities available for personal growth, fellowship, and ministry within the church, CRC has a heart to reach out with God's love to our neighbors and to the world. We give prayerful and financial support to multiple Assemblies of God missionaries along with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Teen Challenge Outreach Ministries, LifeBridge, Salem, MA, and other local and foreign ministries.
Elder Council: Pastor Scott Smith, John Sanders, and Diann Mitchell
Christian Renewal Church (CRC) of Beverly, MA is located at 556 Cabot Street, (on Route 1-A) just off of 128 - and easy to find! We share the facilities with Living Hope Nazarene Church, and our Sunday Service begins at 12pm in the main sanctuary. Join us for praise & worship and in-depth preaching/teaching from God's word. By God's grace, you will be blessed and encouraged.
Weekly Events
Worship Service: 12 pm - Sanctuary
Men's Prayer: 9:00 am, Off-site
All CRC Prayer: 7:00 pm, via Zoom
Women's Prayer: 11:00am, via Phone
In addition to our weekly events and the various opportunities available for personal growth, fellowship, and ministry within the church, CRC has a heart to reach out with God's love to our neighbors and to the world. We give prayerful and financial support to multiple Assemblies of God missionaries along with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Teen Challenge Outreach Ministries, LifeBridge, Salem, MA, and other local and foreign ministries.
Elder Council: Pastor Scott Smith, John Sanders, and Diann Mitchell